Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Demand for graduates on the rise

National IT –BPM Workforce Survey 2019 carried out by Information and Communication information Agency of Sri Lanka, says demand for graduates has increased from 6,246 in 2014 to 21,216 in 2019. It also shows that ICT companies dominate with a demand for 14,898 graduates which amounts to 70.2 % of the total demand indicated for 2019. The lowest demand is expected from BPM companies.

Confirming the dominant positions of software engineering and software quality assurance, the highest demand was placed on these two job categories in 2019 as well. However, significant demand was indicated for IT service management and governance specialists from ICT companies which is one of the least occupied job categories in the workforce at present.

In the case of non-ICT companies and government organizations, the highest demand is for IT and technical support which is currently the dominant job category of these employers, the report indicated.

In addition, non-ICT companies have placed significantly high demand for database development and administration, client support and business analysis categories. As far as demand by service lines in the BPM workforce is concerned, the finance and accounting commands the highest demand. This is followed by data analysis and customer services. At present, data analysis is relatively a less prominent service line in the industry.

“Interestingly, a very low demand is indicated for document management, the service line with the highest share of employees, currently. It seems that the industry is saturated with workers of this service line. Customer services and legal services are the other two service lines that command reasonable demand in 2019,” the report stated.

The total demand for emerging technologies was also estimated at 5,323 which amount to 25.1% of the total demand for graduates in 2019. Of the total demand of emerging technologies, a substantial share (76.6%) originates from ICT companies. The relative shares of non-ICT companies and government organizations were at 20.6% and 2.7%, respectively.

Among the emerging technologies with the highest demand are cloud platforms and technologies (25.1%), mobility platforms and applications (14.1%) and workflow management and technologies (12.9%). Big data platforms and processing and IoT commands are nearly at the same level (9.5%) of demand.

The survey also reported an increase in supply of the total number of graduates produced by training organizations from 7,010 in 2014 to 12,307 in 2018. This indicates a marginal growth compared to the growth in workforce and demand. This supply is produced from both government universities and private degree awarding institutes. The total supply considered here includes ICT major graduates as well as graduates trained in relevant disciplines such as engineering, mathematics and management with a significant ICT subject component.

The quality of the training staff in ICT training organizations has improved significantly in terms of academic qualifications and experience. A total supply of 9,076 ICT trained graduates was projected for 2019 according to the information provided by the training organizations. This projection of supply includes both ICT major and ICT non-major graduates.

Of the total supply, the ICT major graduates constitute a share of 63.7%. The supply comes from both government universities and private degree-awarding training institutes. Private institutes have the higher share (62.4%) of this supply. When it comes to the demand-supply gap, it shows that the demand exceeds the supply in a significant margin of 12,140. (IH)
