A special project has been launched to make a tunnel that can prevent the spread of COVID-19 said a renowned scholar and media specialist Dr. Arosha Fernando.
‘In conjunction with a leading corporate, we are in the process of locally manufacture internationally quality certified ‘Disinfection Tunnels’ to prevent further outspread of Corona virus / COVID-19 which can disinfect a person fully in a time span of just 15 Seconds’ Dr. Arosha added.‘As you pass through them, nozzles spray a disinfectant mist on you which will kill most germs and viruses, including COVID-19. The misty disinfectant spray protects citizens from catching bacteria for a period of at least 60 minutes’ said Dr. Arosha.
‘These tunnels are already up and running at very few places such as hospitals and need to be placed in all the key public places such as shopping malls, bus stops, railway stations, airports, police stations, government institutions and even in your office locations’ he further added.
‘These tunnels are meant to supplement, and not replace other measures like washing hands regularly, maintaining proper hygiene, wearing a mask, and maintaining social distancing’ Dr. Arosha concluded.