Monday, February 8, 2021

Singapore Airlines awarded Diamond rating in global airline health, safety audit

Singapore Airlines (SIA) has been awarded the Diamond rating – the highest level attainable – in the APEX Health Safety powered by SimpliFlying audit of global airlines.

Aitken Spence is the General Sales Agency (GSA) for Singapore Airlines in Sri Lanka and is the longest standing GSA representation in the Singapore Airlines network worldwide.

The diamond rating is the highest achievable level for the audit, marking at least 200 points above the minimum gold standard determined by APEX and SimpliFlying for passenger safety and well-being.

Yeoh Phee Teik, Senior Vice President Customer Experience, Singapore Airlines, said: “Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, we undertook a comprehensive review of our health and safety measures together with our partners and regulators, in consultation with medical experts, and by taking on board customer feedback.

“Our teams deep-dived into many check points along the end-to-end customer journey. We reinforced existing procedures where necessary, enhanced some of them, introduced new measures to supplement them, and used digital technologies to complement them and support a more seamless travel experience.”Dr. Joe Leader, CEO of APEX, said: “Singapore Airlines’ commitment to customer well-being shines via a contactless journey management bolstered by best-in-class onboard hygiene.

As a Diamond health safety certified airline, Singapore Airlines has gone a step beyond investing in their passengers’ wellness by implementing the latest advances in testing and health passport technology.” Shashank Nigam, CEO of SimpliFlying, said: “Singapore Airlines has raised the bar for health safety standards in the industry with initiatives such as near-touch check-in kiosks, mobile notifications for baggage delays and digitisation of in-flight menus and magazines. Taking hospital-grade measures in ensuring health safety will help bolster trust among travellers.” 


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