Tuesday, February 9, 2021

HNB Assurance produces record 113 MDRT Qualifiers in 2020

HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) recently announced that the Company had produced 113 MDRT qualifiers for the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table Conference (MDRT)in the United States of America.

This brilliant achievement bears great importance as the Company surpassed its number of qualifiers in the previous year, setting a new record for 2020.Amongst the top achievers are2 Top of the Table qualifiers (TOT) and8 Court of the Table (COT) qualifiers.

Commending the winners, Chief Executive Officer of HNBA and HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI), Prasantha Fernando added, “Yet again our very own champions have brought great glory to the Company, by establishing ourselves as a player to reckon with in the industry in terms of producing MDRT qualifiers, demonstrating that HNB Assurance as a company and we as Sri Lankans in general have what it takes to be neck-to-neck with the best insurance professionals from around the globe. The Distribution Management, Bancassurance, and Sales Training teams have come together as one powerhouse, driven by unparalleled commitment and potency to deliver their best in the year that was anything but normal.”

“I believe that career-shaping achievements of this nature not only encourages our new-comers to set the bar higher and stay true to their goals and aspirations in life, but also further strengthens the Company’s Sales Force potential”.

Chief Operating Officer of HNBA, Lasitha Wimalaratne expressed his appreciation stating, “I applaud the captivating vigor with which the Sales Training team, Bancassurance team and the Advisor Channel have marched forward through this challenging time victoriously to have produced 113 MDRT qualifiers of which 8 achieved the Court of the Table recognition, whilst 2 received the covetous Top of the Table qualification.” HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) is one of the fastest growing Insurance Companies in Sri Lanka with a network of 63 branches.


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