With the dawn of 2019 the Hambantota harbor has commenced several new services to ships anchored in the harbor.
Among the activities were the drillship Aban Abraham which berthed at the Hambantota International Port last week for a warm lay-up with full crew and equipment setting up its rig for a post-drilling campaign. Also the exchange of goods to other ships from the Orchid ship, repair work of oil tanker Champion Express, the loading and unloading activities of GlovisSiris and Glovis Champion ships took the limelight.
The activities of the harbor which were confined to RORO have now diversified into bulk, break bulk, layups and ship supply services. The efforts of Hambantota International Port Group Company Ltd (HIPG) have resulted in converting the harbor into a multi service facility. The HIPG plans to improve facilities in the harbor in 2019 thus increasing the turnover which will result in the spur of the economy in the region.