Thursday, July 5, 2018

Netherlands Alumni Association of Lanka holds AGM

NAAL Executive Committee: Eng Thamara Mallawarachchi, Ajith de Silva, S G Punchihewa, Eng. S P C Kumarasinghe, Joanne Doornewaard, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka, R P Wimalasena, J Paranamana, S M S B Niyangoda, Sarath Jayathilake, Newton Karunarathne, W H Munasinghe, T G Wijerathne, Nihal Fernando, S Hettiarachchi, Aruna Wickramarachchi, Linton Fernando, Mahinda Padmasiri, Dr. Badrani Thoradeniya

The Netherlands Alumni Association of Lanka (NAAL) held its 47th Annual General Meeting on June 24, 2018 at “Kirala Island” Gorakana, Panadura.

Joanne Doornewaard, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Sri Lanka attended as the chief guest. Over 60 members attended the AGM with their families.

Membership of NAAL increased up to 670 members, holding responsible positions in both public and Private Sectors in Sri Lanka voluntary contribute their service for the Social and Economic development of our Country.
