Thursday, February 11, 2021

‘Stock market rises 377.86 points after halt’

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) together with the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) met the CEO’s of the stockbroker firms for a discussion on the current status of the stock market this afternoon (11.02.2021). Candid views were expressed between the parties and the stockbrokers expressed their views about the information that has been called for by the circular issued by the CSE.

The stockbrokers expressed the view that there had been some misconception that this information was to be gathered to curtail the credit that has been extended by the stockbroker firms. The SEC Chairman Viraj Dayaratne, explained that such information was anyhow been collected on a fortnightly and monthly basis and considering the dynamic nature of the market some such information was required to be submitted on a weekly basis and that it was in no way meant to curtail credit granted by the stockbrokers.


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