The Covid-19 pandemic has taken over the entire world, affecting all functional systems including education. The educational efforts all across Sri Lanka have been moved to the digital platform such as Zoom, Google Meets & Microsoft teams to ensure the students are not left behind during this crucial time and to prepare them for the upcoming O-Level and A-level examinations.
In line with the current situation, the Professional Development Avenue of the Rotaract Club of NSBM decided to further support the digital education of the school students without any additional costs to students. Therefore we took the initiative to start the project “Road to A+”. This project was the brainchild of the two professional development directors, Rtr. Senuri Silva and Rtr. SupuliGunawaradane who have been vocal in serving opportunities to develop professional skills of both school students and undergraduates alike.
The sole aim of this project is to provide a sustainable platform on our YouTube channel for the students of grades of 9,10 and 11, where students can access additional study materials in the form of detailed videos explaining each topic under each subject taught mainly by fellow undergraduates at National School of Business Management (NSBM) with the support from other Rotaractors. The prevailing uncertainty of reopening schools and tuition classes has left students with limited resources and time to do their revisions. The Rotaract Club of NSBM decided to take a step ahead to help the students to revise their knowledge on the previous lessons that they may have forgotten and prepare them for the new lessons to further solidify a better understanding of subject content.
The videos can be freely accessed by anyone with or without an account on YouTube at Rotaract Club of NSBM. However, it should be duly noted that these materials are not taught by trained professionals but rather by a set of passionate undergraduates and Rotaractors who know the daily struggles of a school student. These materials are not meant to act as a subsidy for the lessons taught by professionals but rather provides an additional support to all students who are pursuing their academics in these difficult times.
Currently, the project is an umbrella to several grades and subjects such as: Grade 9 – Science, Maths and English, Grade 10 – Maths, Science and English and Grade 11 – English and Maths. Currently, all of the aforementioned subjects are conducted in English medium and in accordance with the national syllabus prescribed by the Educational Publications Department. However, we do hope to expand our offerings to Sinhala medium and many more subjects in the near future.
Rotaract Club of NSBM is the oldest Club within NSBM Green University Town being charted in 2013 with the objective of grooming youth with potential into future leaders through service to the society and self.