Wednesday, July 15, 2020

LCBF contributes for patient’s Care Unit at Karapitiya Hospital

The Board of Directors, Corporate Management and all staff members of Lanka Credit and Business Finance Ltd., (LCBF) as a corporate responsibility, has arranged to make a contribution towards the construction of a fully equipped patient’s room at the Palliative Care Unit at the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital, at a function held on July 12, 2020 at the Hospital premises. 

Their desire was to support the noble efforts of the Cancer Society at Galle to improve the quality of life of patients and their family members facing problems associated with their loved ones suffering from life threatening cancer. 

The success of this project would in turn provide relief from pain, provide quality of life, spiritual care and affirm to cancer patients, that life and dying was a normal process.  

The Directors, Executives and staff members of Lanka Credit and Business Finance Ltd., attended this function along with the Consultant Oncological Surgeon, Doctor Chrysantha Perera, Head of the Palliative Care Unit, who undertook a lead role in the noble endeavour to construct this unit along with the Nursing staff.


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