Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (CA Sri Lanka) have launched their new curriculum 2020 recently and parallel to that they have announced the list of exemptions that can be obtained by the passed finalists of Association of Accounting Technicians of Sri Lanka (AAT Sri Lanka).
This is the first time in AAT history that received many number of subject exemptions by CA Sri Lanka and this is a major benefit that can be enjoyed by AAT Sri Lanka students.
AAT Sri Lanka is a professional qualification which targets middle level accountants in the industry and this course can be started right after O/L examination. AAT Sri Lanka is a reliable course that can be followed by any student in Sri Lanka in all three languages.
Hence this offer is a valuable opportunity to all the AAT students to continue their higher education with CA Sri Lanka as they can fully release the Business Level 1 and 2 subjects in Business Level 2 and all together AAT students can enjoy seven subject exemptions in CA Sri Lanka.
Many students can complete the AAT course during their A/Ls and after the A/L examination the past finalists can directly join the rest of the subjects in Business Level 2 in CA Sri Lanka. They can have this offer by starting with the upcoming CA examinations and this would be an added advantage for them as they can stay a few steps ahead from the rest in this competitive world.
Having dual professional qualifications in a field is a valuable opportunity for the young people to stand out from the rest and climb up their career ladder more quickly than others. Because those who can complete
AAT within their A/Ls and starting CA right after the A/L examination will be a huge advantage to have dual qualifications before their age 21. Hence students and other professionals can enjoy this grand opportunity to add more values for their career life and make their goals come true.
More details could be obtained from AAT Sri Lanka/