Stepping up its efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Hayleys Group subsidiaries - Haycarb PLC, Dipped Products PLC (DPL) and Eco Solutions delivered Rs. 10.6 million worth of urgently required medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), towards the expansion of the Intensive Care Unit- the central facility to treat COVID-19 patients- of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH).
The initiative was the Hayleys Group’s way of playing a small supporting role at a time of global and national crisis where the greatest sacrifices have been made by Government of Sri Lanka with its armed forces/police, health officials with special mention of the government medical staff from Doctors, nurses and attendants as well as all departments maintaining essential services - even some putting their lives at risk to identify and treat patients in order to flatten the curve and speed up Sri Lanka’s recovery from the crisis of the century.
Utilising funds gathered across the three subsidiaries a total of six life scope multi-para patient monitoring systems and 10 syringe pumps for ICU beds were provided to IDH, while the remaining funds were set aside to purchase other critical items needed to combat COVID-19 over the coming weeks.
Employees of all three companies voluntarily contributed a total of Rs. 5.3 million towards the initiative, with each company matching these donations on a 1:1 basis.
“It is the obligation of every Sri Lankan to do their part in combatting the spread of COVID-19, and our teams are proud to be of service in supporting the vital work done by the courageous frontline healthcare professionals. We also strongly urge everyone in Sri Lanka to be patient, prudent and abide by the directives of the health and law enforcement authorities at this critical juncture,” Hayleys Chairman and Chief Executive, Mohan Pandithage added.