The National Chamber of Exporters (NCE), the Chamber of the Nation’s exporters, being proactive as always, offers the services of its digital platform which has been operational for several years to provide Certificates of Origin (COs) and related documents.
This will enable exporters to provide certified documents, which are required by buyers, to continue shipments without disruption during these critical times.
Even during normal times this service of the NCE has not required staff of exporters to visit the Chamber to obtain certified documents, thereby saving money and time, and in the present situation, the risk of exposure by travelling, ensuring the safety of their health. This digital platform was introduced 4 years ago and many member companies are using this platform which has proven to be convenient, cost effective and a quick method.
However, there are other exporters who are still following the manual documentation methods where they have to send the documents for physical stamping and process the order.
NCE invites exporters to make use of this platform which is highly beneficially specially during these times.
The NCE has published a video and document providing set by step guidelines to register as a digital customer to obtain CO’s.
“Further since exporters may find it difficult to register on their own, NCE has also taken measures to assist them over media platforms such as WhatsApp, calls, skype and Zoom to ensure that no one is left behind.
This is the perfect time for exporters to re-visit their digitizing plans and receive the support of the NCE,” an official from NCE said.
More information could be obtained from the Chamber which will then help exporters to get registered to obtain this service.