HUTCH has taken another key initiative ensuring continuity and access to telecommunication services at a time when the country is grappling with the COVID -19 crisis.
Under the new initiative the company offers a free daily relief reload of Rs. 15 to all Hutch 078 and 072 prepaid customers who have run out of credit balance. This relief reload can be used for anytime data and anynetwork calls and SMS services.
With the prevailing strict curfew situation implemented to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus among the Sri Lankan population, many subscribers may face difficulties with reloading their accounts. This interim offer was introduced to help all Hutch prepaid customers stay connectedduring this current lock down. Customers can avail themselves of this free relief reload by simply dialing *288# daily on their Hutch connection. The service is offered from March 26 to 31.
“We find that many prepaid subscribers find it tough to reload their phones using traditional trade or they may not have access to online reload methods. The relief reload is completely free of charge. It is not a loan and customers do not need to worry about paying it back. We believe this benefit would enable all our customers to have uninterrupted connectivity to stay informed on the current situation at all times, whilst being safe at home. I would also like to thank the TRCSL for quickly supporting us on this initiative”, said Thirukumar Nadarasa, CEO of HUTCH.
Also in close conjunction with the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL), Hutch has already deployed a number of timely and affordable initiatives to encourage people to stay strong and safe to combat against the COVID – 19 Virus under the ‘Work from Home’ banner including, time based unlimited internet and UTube packages, anytime data packs, extending enhanced airtime loans, alternate electronic recharging channels, new OTT based customer service channels and free access to university eLearn services. Further information on ‘Work from Home’ initiatives can be obtained from the Hutch website www.hutch.lk.