Wednesday, March 18, 2020

‘CDB recognized at ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards

Suren Rajakarier Chairman Member Network Panel ACCA Sri Lanka, Aroshi Ranatunga Head of Sustainability CDB, Sarah Hulton OBE British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Nilusha Ranasinghe Head of ACCA Sri Lanka and Maldives

CDB emerged runners up at the recently concluded ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards in the Finance Service & Insurance Category for the year 2019. Having previously won the accolade for 4 consecutive years, CDB continues to strengthen their mark as one of the top five non-banking financial institutions in Sri Lanka. In its 16th iteration this year, the awards; recognize organizations which report and disclose sustainability information, encourage the uptake of environmental, social and sustainability reporting, while raising awareness of corporate transparency issues and increasing accountability for responsiveness to both internal and external stakeholders.

The ACCA Sri Lanka Sustainability Reporting Awards are judged on set criteria that include credibility, comprehensiveness and communication of the Annual Reports and are in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines for sustainability reporting. The categories/ industries for awards include, Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, General services (Utilities), Conglomerates and Diversified, Leisure and Connected Services, Retail and Trading and Small and Medium Enterprises.

Sustainability is considered at the core of CDB’s business model, CDB continues to showcase their unwavering commitment towards corporate sustainability in its social, environmental and economic interactions whilst striving towards sustainable development by integrating the core characteristics of transparency and accountability throughout their business processes.



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