The Index of industrial production (IIP), compiled by Department of Census and Statistics for the month of November 2018 has decreased by 1.2% in the month of November 2018 compared to the same month in 2017.
IIP reported for the month of November 2018 and 2017 were 107.3 and 108.6 respectively. In terms of manufacturing industries, 8 out of 20 industry groups have shown positive growths in volume of production.
The industry groups such as ‘Beverages’, ‘Manufacture of rubber and plastic products’ and ‘Manufacture of leather and leather related products’ have shown remarkable increases of 14.2%, 13.3% and 12.1% respectively in their volume of production during the month of November, 2018 compared to that of November, 2017.
Among the 12 industries recorded negative growths in volume of production of manufacturing industries: ‘Manufacture of paper and paper products’,‘Tobacco products’, ‘Manufacture of electrical equipment’ have reported negative growth rates of 26.1%, 20.9% and 19.9% respectively. The volume of food products has decreased by 2.7%.