Wednesday, January 2, 2019

CMA Speech Craft Batch excels in fast track completion

R. Mayuran, Shanthi Maheswaran, Chandana Samaraweera, Dian Abeyewardene, Prof. Lakshman R. Watawala, H.M. Hennayake Bandara, Anil Indika, Shermal Fernandopulle and Ashini Imalka.

Institute of Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka’s (CMA’s) relentless pursuit to equip professional Accountants, with communication and leadership skills, had another twist to the 9th Batch, under the guidance of Founder President Professor Lakshman R Watawala.

The CMA Sri Lanka Membership in-take for 2018, cut-off date for eligibility was scheduled for December 11 and therefore the applicants had to fulfill the compulsory requirement of completing and obtaining the Speech Craft certificate prior to the relevant date.

As such, the progressive and positive thinking enabled to implement the Fast Track and complete the 12 week program, by conducting additional sessions on Sundays’ and holidays to complete the program.

The incredible result was that the enthusiastic and committed participants keen to fulfill the requirement to obtain CMA membership, stepped up to the plate, and attended the fast track program and even more astounding delivered probably the best Speech Craft Award Ceremony program in comparison with all the other previous eight batches. The dedication was outstanding, since the participants represented Apex Level students completing the CMA Speech Craft program from Jaffna, Trincomalee, Ratnapura, Kurunegala, Matara and Colombo displaying the utmost commitment to complete the program successfully.

The performance of the Speech Crafters in public speaking, leadership skills, time management and role playing was exceptional at the Meeting with the President an Assistant Director Finance a Lady in a Government Department, fulfilling 100% attendance travelling daily from Ratnapura, overcoming all obstacles of work and family responsibilities apart from health challenges.

CMA Sri Lanka Toastmaster Club President Anil Indika, chaired the Awards Ceremony segment and commended Professor Watawala for his vision to empower CMA accountants with communication skills especially from the outstations and said “This batch has proved beyond doubt that the Vision of Prof. Lakshman Watawala has reached all parts of Sri Lanka, with the exemplary participation from the North, East, South, Central Province and of course the Western Province ”.

Prof. Watawala endorsed the sentiments and added that every speech delivered had a message for everyone in the audience and personally, the aspects of ‘smile’ making a person younger, women in the modern era, endorsed by the increasing number of women rising in the professional ranks evidenced by the current IFAC President being a woman.



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