Wednesday, February 8, 2017

National Chamber conducts “Productivity Improvement Techniques”workshop

A one day Workshop on “Productivity Improvement Techniques “for Manufacturing and Engineering Industries, will be held on Thursday 23 February 2017 from 9 a.m to 4.30 p.m at the National Chamber Auditorium 450 D R Wijewardene Mw, Colombo -10.

Facilitator will be Sunil G Wijesinha, a well recognised Corporate Trainer on Productivity. He has followed many programs in Japan and is a pioneer in introducing Quality Circles and 5 S into Sri Lanka . He has also been awarded for his contribution for promoting productivity in the Asian Region and is a popular speaker on Productivity, Quality and Japanese Management Techniques in Sri Lanka and other Asian countries. He is a qualified Production Engineer, Management Accountant with a MBA.


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