Tuesday, February 28, 2017

PUCSL seeks public input on CEB’s generation plan

The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL), seeks public comments on the input data parameters and assumptions of the Least Cost Long Term Generation Expansion Plan (LCLTGEP) submitted by the Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB).

The LCLTGEP of CEB is prepared based on the input data.“This is the first time that we are opening the platform for public comments on the input data which will be used to develop the long term generation expansion plan,” Public Utilities Commission Director General Damitha Kumarasinghe said.

“The comments on the fuel prices, social damage cost, cost and other parameters used to model renewable energy technologies and other conventional generation plants will be taken very seriously in our approval process of the plan,”he said.

Sri Lanka plans to generate 15160 Gwh of electricity in 2017 with a peak demand of 2585 MW, the base case forecast data shows.

16 hydro power plants are existing in Sri Lanka with the capacity of 1388 MW and the data shows 03 hydro power plants with the capacity of 182.2 MW are committed to be operated during the period of 2019-2022.The comments can be submitted on or before March 15, 2017, via email consultation@pucsl.gov.lk


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