Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Car registrations down by 40%, three wheelers by 50%

Motor car registrations have come down by 40% on a month and month basis mainly due to drop in financing share of motor cars. The three wheeler segment came down by nearly 50%,according to the JB Securities monthly review.

Implementation of the budget proposal to restrict credit to new cars (50% LTV) and three wheelers (25% LTV) is the primary factor accounting for a plunge in registrations.The full impact of the directive will only be felt this month, the report said. However there have been a surge in Hyundai Eon cars (100% increase)According to JB Securities monthly review in contrast there have been an in increase of used cars, especially Toyota’s and also electric cars are picking up.

There was also a big jump in Hybrid used cars where Axio witnessed a large increase (200+) while there was also an increase in Mini Vans(268% increase) with the biggest mover being Suzuki Every.

“Three wheelers may be a menace on the road but it has been a huge contributor in creating inclusive growth both in terms of being a production asset (taxi) and/or personal vehicle providing mobility to the owner which in turn increases his radius of employment opportunities,ability to work flexible work hours due to not being reliant on public transport, access to markets.

The segment also saw Bajaj losing market share to TVS,” the J. B. Securities said.

The report also says that mini trucks have come down by 20% while the registration for Buses have gone up by 40%. 


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