Tuesday, October 5, 2021

ASLCSCC hosts Webinar to celebrate National Day of China

Association for Social and Cultural Cooperation (ASLCSCC) hosted a webinar on Social and Economic Development of China to celebrate the 72nd National Day of the People’s Republic of China recently through Zoom Technology.

Aruna Hapuarachchi, Commissioner, Inland Revenue Department, Madushan Kularathne , Chief Editor ,CHINA MIRROR, Dr. Madura Seneviratne, Member of the Central Provincial Covid control Committee, Daya Sri Narendra Rajapaksa, Veteran Journalist, Nayana Wanniarachchi, Principal of President’s Girls’ College, Nawala; Rohan Muthumala, President, Sri Lanka-China Wushu Friendship Association, Jaliya Seneviratne, Entrepreneur, Ruwan Basnayake, Taiji Instructor delivered the speeches.

Speeches were delivered under the topics of Chinese Communist Party and its leadership’s dedication on Chinese development, China’s scientific approach to the C-19 epidemic, China’s economic development since 1949, Integration of Chinese Martial arts in School Education, China overcame the C-19 epidemic and the exemplary management models present to the world, Chinese philosophy and its influence of the Chinese State governing and the Chinese people, Education in China and its connection with Sister School culture and Poverty alleviation in China.

Over 100 participants in different circles participated at the webinar.

The program was conducted by the Indrananda Abeysekera President of ASLCSCC and Deputy President Dunil Heiyanthuduwa.
