Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NCE officials meet Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe

The newly elected President of the National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka (NCE), Ramal Jasinghe, Secretary General / CEO of the Chamber, Shiham Marikar and other officials of the Chamber met Sujeewa Senasinghe, State Minister of Development Strategies’ and International Trade, at his office.

Matter related to International trade, specifically how the NCE could compliment the programme to identify and empower 2000 entrepreneurs in the Provinces, which will enable to increase, and diversify Sri Lankan exports were discussed in length.

In this regard the State Minister also emphasized the importance of identifying and working closely with entrepreneurs in the electronic in view of the potential of this sector for economic development and employment creation as per the experience of leading countries in the Asian region.

The officials of the Chamber pointed out the necessity of linking procures with exporters to supply and produce semi-finished goods for export purposes.

The State Minister has indicated that many women entrepreneurs have been identified through various programmes and that he could organize an exhibition to enable them to display their products. He requested the Chamber to invite member exporters to inspect the products and build business linkages for mutual benefit. He also emphasized on the need to provide training on marketing, branding and packaging to the identified women entrepreneurs.

The President of the NCE informed the Minister that the Chamber has begun working closely with the relevant Ministries, and will be interested in the dissemination information to member companies Ministry communications related to the export sector. He also assured the support of the Chamber to achieve the export and economic development objectives and target of the Government. 


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