Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Reading Corner for Vajira Sri Children’s Development Centre from JIT

Just In Time Group’s (JIT) goal is to create reading corners in orphanages and rural schools for children who are lacking this much needed knowledge development resource.

Reading even for just a few minutes a day has a myriad of benefits and helps shape a child’s personality.

This was Just In Time Group’s third CSR Project that was completed under their CSR initiative ‘Today a reader-Tomorrow a Leader’. The selected project location was Vajira Sri Children’s Development Center in Pita Kotte, established in 1983 with 30 destitute children who were the victims and lost their parents due the civil war in Northern Sri Lanka.

Just In Time Group chose this home due to the fact that they greatly lacked books for the children and an engaging and attractive space for the children to read.

Just In Time Group and its staff contributed in creating this mini library a reading space for these children which was received with much excitement by the children and the staff.

Just In Time Group contributed their time and resources in painting the space and decorating it to make it attractive for the children and donating the home with a fully equipped library and activity corner complete with arts and crafts and most importantly books to let their imagination and knowledge soar.

Vajira Sri Children’s Development Centre is in the care of Rev. Dr. Hunupalagama Vajira Sri Nayaka Thera whose commitment from day one has been for the development and betterment of these kids. Each child has a story of their own, and a smile that makes you appreciate the blessings we have.

Working to create a better future every day for our country’s children and youth is a cause Just In Time staff are very passionate about, and Just in Time Group (www.jithpl.com) has already launched its corporate internship programme to further this initiative and the CSR programme ‘Today a Reader–Tomorrow a Leader’ to inculcate the habit of reading in children across the island thereby playing our part in shaping future well rounded leaders.


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