Sunday, July 5, 2020

Chathuri Munaweera, recognized by #TogetherWeCan campaign

AIA Insurance announced that Director and Chief Officer- Legal, Governance and Operations Chathuri Munaweera has been recognized as one of the 16 trailblazers who are driving gender equality across Sri Lanka.

This recognition was made at the launch of the #TogetherWeCan campaign by the IFC-DFAT SheWorks Sri Lanka Partnership. This campaign amplifies the 16 company business cases for more diverse and equal workplaces and paves the way forward for the rest of the private sector to enhance employment opportunities for women.

The awards ceremony was hosted at the Australia house by H.E David Holly, Australian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka and Maldives. It was noted that over 170,000 employees are advancing gender equality within the workplace and reaping business benefits, thanks to 16 SheWorks members, who have made over 100 commitments to recruit, promote and retain women in the workforce.

Chathuri was recognized for AIA’s efforts in creating a gender smart workplace at AIA while also working towards gender parity and increased female participation at AIA. She said in this regard, “Gender parity is central in having a dynamic balanced workforce. Female employees and Wealth Planners play an integral part in our business success.”

“AIA recognised early, the narrowing trends of female participation at work and took many sustainable steps over the years to ensure that our female colleagues have a work environment that provides leverage and flexibility to arrange work within family circumstances, at times of life where such support is needed most. It is not just about fixing the basics and having the best of support during key stages of motherhood, but also ensuring that there is room to grow in careers whether in sales or in support functions.”

Offering her congratulation, Thushari Perera, AIA’s Director HR, commented “Chathuri has pioneered AIA Sri Lanka’s journey towards creating a great place to work for women”. Notably, AIA Lanka won the title of ‘Best workplace for Women in Sri Lanka’ at the 2018 Great Place to Work® (GPW®) and was thereafter recognized as one of the ‘Best Workplaces for Women’ in Sri Lanka, in the inaugural awards presented by GPW® in 2019.”

“AIA Sri Lanka has enhanced women’s participation in leadership positions via mentoring and building succession pipelines. ‘Propelling Ideas’, a leadership learning programme at AIA helped nurture six women leaders for future succession, while increasing the number of women’s representation to 29 percent in the top management tier. Introducing 100-day maternity leave amongst other family-friendly benefits has encouraged 3 out of 4 mothers to return to work”.

