The Sri Lanka Chamber of Pharmaceutical Industry (SLCPI) in a statement to media said that despite persistent appeals, the Government has failed to address the issue of a fair and proper pricing mechanism for pharmaceutical products in light of the sharply depreciating Sri Lankan Rupee against the US Dollar.
With over 85% of pharma products being imported, both Ministry of Health as well as the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) have remained wilful in depriving the industry of adjusting pricing of products as per the prevailing exchange rate, SLCPI noted with concern.
SLCPI notes with distress that discontinuation of pharmaceuticals implicates multiple parties such as the manufacturing firms, patients, providers, pharmacies and the health authorities.
The biggest setback would be for the patients who are adversely affected if the drug product that provided excellent therapeutic benefits and resulted in positive health outcomes is no longer available in the market.