Seylan Bank, embraced its youngest customers during the COVID-19 lockdown, by reaching Seylan Tikiri accountholders through a variety of innovative digital activations on multiple social media platforms. The Bank also went a step further and ensured that children who won in the digital competitions were rewarded in real life with gifts delivered to their doorstep, during these tough times.
At a time when the whole island was put under lockdown, Seylan Tikiri continued to focus on one of the most treasured customer groups of the Bank, children.
The Tikiri Online Avurudu festival which included games such as the New Year Wish (Avurudu Pathuma), Best Costume (Vikata Adum), Guess the number of coins (Kataye Kaasi Ganan Kireema) and an innovative Avurudu Pageant (Avurudu Kumaraya and Kumariya) attracted a whopping 25000 entries from children around the country, and engaged over a million social media users. The ‘Tikiri Vesak Pathuma’ campaign carried out provided a platform where kids could upload their own Vesak Cards and send it to their loved ones digitally, attracting many creative entries.
“The COVID-19 pandemic was an unprecedented situation for all of us but was especially difficult for children. As the Bank with a Heart, it was our responsibility to provide our youngest and most treasured Tikiri customers with an opportunity to engage in interactive, entertaining and educative digital activities, allowing them to exercise their creativity and be rewarded for it with exciting gifts delivered to their doorstep”, Gamika De Silva, Head of Marketing and Sales stated.
“We also made sure we involved their parents in our campaign. The Bank partnered with Dr. Kumudu De Silva to present ‘Tikiri Story Teller’, a series of videos on social media for parents on how to look after kids during the quarantine period and suggesting activities that parents can do with them at home. The videos have been viewed over 250,000 times, reaching over 2 million people across Seylan social media platforms, highlighting the success of our initiatives.”
The “Tikiri Stay Home Diary” the only campaign of its kind for children was conducted in all three languages on social media, and gave children bored at home during the lockdown something interesting to do.
Children competed in activities such as ‘Little Bud’ to plant a seed indoors, ‘Homework Buddy’ encouraging them to help siblings with homework and ‘Great Sculptor’, among others. The winners of this competition too were surprised with gifts brought to their doorstep.
Seylan Tikiri’s digital activities reached over a million users of social media, ensuring that Seylan’s minor savings customers stuck at home had a valuable experience.