Monday, May 11, 2020

Ceylon Chamber, HNB hosts Webinar on Importance of E-Signature

The Chamber Academy of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce together with Hatton National Bank and in partnership with FITIS (Federation of IT Industry Sri Lanka) has organized a webinar on ‘Importance of E-Signature’ .

The webinar will commence at 10:00 am on Wednesday May 13.

The eminent panel will include Channa de Silva CEO/General Manager – Lanka Clear, Jayantha Fernando – Director/Legal Advisor ICTA, Rohan Buultjens – Chief Technology & Digital Officer HNB, Prof. Gihan Dias – Vice Chairman – FITIS, CEO, LK Domain Registry, Thilak Piyadigama – CEO, SDB Bank, Condrad Dias – Director/CEO LOLC Finance and Dinesh De Silva – Member, National Trade Facilitation Committee, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. The session will be moderated by Subhashini Abeysinghe – Research Director, Verité Research.

Fulfillment of a payment is a crucial step in any customer-vendor transaction and only when the payment is successfully made, it concludes as a successful transaction. With the current context of COVID-19, it has become paramount to establish stringent hygiene conditions and limit physical interactions by maintaining social distancing in order to do business. Therefore, businesses have taken measures to convert their activities to electronic modes especially at their customer touch points.

Technological advancements in this era has made electronic payments simple enough to ensure that payments could be carried out seamlessly via digital channels. The objective is to convert the traditional cash-based operations into cashless. It is now possible to complete all transactions online. In this process, the hassle of placing a physical signature is also not required with the introduction of e-Signatures.

This critical discussion will pave way for industry experts to share their experience and views on the use of digital platforms and new technology to ease ways of conducting business post COVID-19.

To register, participates should email to,, or


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