Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Quantum Fitness Promotes Healthy Living with New TVC

Fitness equipment provider Quantum Fitness recently launched its latest television commercial promoting healthy lifestyles among all Sri Lankans. Released in all three languages first on social media and then on electronic media, the TVC features veteran actor Douglas Ranasinghe.

Speaking on the direction of the TVC Chairman of Quantum Fitness Nomal Wijeyaratne said, “The idea behind the new commercial is not to simply promote Quantum Fitness itself, but to look at a broader picture of promoting wellness and healthy living among all Sri Lankans. The commercial was produced in Sinhalese and English languageswhich features a familiar face that is loved and respected by many Sri Lankans.”

The commercial depicts two scenarios where the same individual leads a healthy and unhealthy life and the repercussions of each life choice. While the man who chooses unhealthy practices finally suffers from illness and a deteriorating life at old age, the one who chooses to exercise, eat right and carry a positive outlook on life is shown to be living life to the fullest even during the twilight years of his life. The narrative also brings in the element of family and the negative and positive impacts a healthy lifestyle can have on your loved ones.

“We chose to first release the TVC on social media as we felt the reach for the message was wider online and thereafter went on to electronic, print and even BTL mediums. You will see hoardings depicting various scenes from the TVC around the island as well as reminders to all Sri Lankans to live healthy”, added Quantum’s Chief Executive Officer Chandima Udabage.
