Monday, March 2, 2020

WCIC to create greater impact with new visual identity

The Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC) commenced a journey to validate their presence and carve out their future pathway in a more meaningful manner to be effective and impactful. The journey established the need to freshen the “brand” reflecting the fundamentals of its identity.

The new visual identity reflects the new energies for the organization that will focus on women entrepreneursand professionals, making efforts to ENGAGE, EMPOWER AND ENRICH. The logo reveals upward wavesthat symbolize new and emerging trends and the need to embrace the new world. It reflects the ability to overcome and conquer challenges.The logo was designed by international design agency Square 44, with Country Representative Tusitha Kumarakulasingam driving the process of transformation for WCIC. Square 44 is a renowned design agency operating across Asia, who contributed with the design developmentvoluntarily to power the efforts of the organization.

WCIC was established in 1985 as the first women only independent tradechamber by a team of visionary females led by Chloe de Soysa.Today, the organization has grown in stature to create opportunities for members and non-members, both entrepreneurs and professionals, to build capacity, engage, learn and benefit. The organization’sultimate objective is to ensure that women make a significant contribution to the community and economythrough capacity improvements.

Commenting on the transformation, Chairperson of WCIC Chaturi Ranasinghe states, “We are a non-profit organization of women in business working together as a thinktank, voice and platform to economically empower women in Sri Lanka to be powerful nation builders by participating in ensuring economic prosperity. Our new identity will reflect our intentions and create an opportunity for the brand to be better established. We intend to be top of mind with the aspiring females as the main source of their inspiration,and the source of support.”

Expressing plans for the future, she added, “We embarked on this important exercise with the support of all our stakeholders. We deliberated on our purpose of existence, validated our mission and vison statements, andestablished a set of core values. The most important part of this exercise was the creation of a strategic plan for the organization.”

“We plan to create an even greater impact in society and help women to achieve their true potential as entrepreneurs and professionals. We are also keen to get the involvement of the many young entrepreneurs who are venturing into businesses using technology and an innovative spirit. We invite them to join the Chamber to gain our support. What we do and achieve is only possible because of the dedication and the commitment of our outstanding team of members who are dedicated to take this organization to greater heights.”

The Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce supports female entrepreneurs and professionals. With a well-structured board of management with dedicated responsibility the organization focuses in achieving its detailed objectives with a clearly defined strategic plan. 
