Thursday, March 5, 2020

National tea sale average on the rise

National average for the month of February 2020 totalled Rs. 601.91 vis-à-vis Rs. 588.85 of January 2020, showing an increase of Rs. 13.14 month on month. In comparison to February 2019 average of Rs. 581.96, shows an increase of Rs. 20.03 Year on Year (YOY) .

When analyzing the respective elevational averages for the month of February 2020 - High Growns totaling Rs. 571.58 for February 2020 have recorded an increase month on month of Rs. 35.71 vis-à-vis Rs. 535.86 of January2020, according to Forbs and Walker Tea Brokers.

However, when compared to February 2019 average of Rs. 572.26, a marginal decrease of Rs. 00.68 is recorded YOY.

Mediums averaging Rs. 538.12 for February 2020 have also recorded a significant increase of Rs. 43.05 vis-à-vis Rs. 494.62 of January 2020.

When compared to February 2019 average of Rs. 509.00, shows an increase of Rs. 29.12. Low Growns too totaling Rs. 629.29 for February 2020 have recorded a marginal increase of Rs. 00.55 vis-à-vis Rs. 628.74 of January 2020. Meanwhile, it shows a fairly significant increase of Rs. 24.00 YOY when compared to Rs. 605.29 of February 2019.

When analysing the January-February 2020 cumulative average of Rs. 594.81, an increase of Rs. 09.77 is recorded vis-à-vis Rs. 585.04 of January-February 2019.

High Growns for the period January-February 2020 of Rs. 552.30 have shown a decrease of Rs. 22.71 vis-à-vis Rs. 575.01 of January-February 2019. Mediums averaging Rs. 515.03 have shown a marginal increase of Rs. 03.73 vis-à-vis Rs. 511.30 of January-February 2019. Meanwhile, Low Growns totaling Rs. 628.98 for January-February 2020 have shown a gain of Rs. 21.08 vis-à-vis Rs. 607.90 of January-February 2019.
