Monday, August 12, 2019

FITIS organizes seminar for tech companies

Panel discussion in progress with Aruna Alwis, Pradeep Silva and Sarah Afker

Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS) organized a seminar in association with BDO in order to address tax changes for Tech companies recently.

The seminar was focused on taxation particularly reference to the Tech companies and startups given in the current tax system. The Inland Revenue Act No. 24 of 2017 has introduced significant changes to the fundamentals of taxation with a specific focus on the ICT products and services. The seminar also covered the indirect tax relevant to the industry and its stakeholders.

The seminar was conducted by Sarah Afker Tax Partner BDO who has extensive experience in the field of taxation including direct and indirect tax compliance and followed by a panel discussion with Pradeep Silva Deputy Commissioner Inland Revenue Department and Aruna Alwis CEO FITIS who moderated the session. The spokesperson FITIS said that “Tech companies can obtain the presentation slides from FITIS Secretariat.”

