Monday, February 6, 2017

Seylan launches Viber Sticker Pack with “Seylan Seylfie”

With Viber users in Sri Lanka reaching over six million and Viber being the most downloaded app in Sri Lanka, Seylan Bank decided to launch a sticker pack to promote their new Youth Banking product “Seylan Seylfie”to reach the youth of Sri Lanka using Viber.

Within a month of launch Seylan Seylfie Sticker Packs have seen over 163,379 downloads and is still increasing. The bank hopes to see a rapid use of the Seylfie Stickers in the upcoming months with the increasing popularity amongst the users. With the growth in the number of followers in the public chat account, the bank intends to interact with the followers and promote its products and services.

When a Viber sticker pack is downloaded, an individual becomes a follower automatically. This enables the Viber follower to receive instant updates on the Seylan Bank public chat.

Download the Seylfie Life stickers today through Viber and express your ideas the way you always wanted to. You can download the Seylfie Sticker pack for Viber through the link from your smartphone
