Asia Pacific Brewery (Lanka) Ltd changed its corporate identity to Heineken Lanka Limited with effect from February 13, 2017.
The change in the corporate identity is to better reflect the relationship with the HEINEKEN Group and the presence in Sri Lanka as a full-fledged subsidiary of the HEINEKEN Group.
Commenting on the corporate identity change, Managing Director of Heineken Lanka Ltd, Dusty Alahakoon said, “We are delighted to change our corporate identity from Asia pacific Brewery (Lanka) Ltd to Heineken Lanka Ltd.
This clearly reflects to all our stakeholders that we are now part of a global network of HEINEKEN Group.
We believe this change in identity will have a positive impact on our business with our consumers, customers and other stakeholders”.
Prior to 2005, the company was known as United Breweries Ltd which was changed in 2005 to Asia Pacific Brewery (Lanka) Ltd, when Singapore based Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd invested in Sri Lanka. In 2012, HEINEKEN Group fully acquired the Singapore based Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd, which resulted in the integration of the Sri Lanka business to the HEINEKEN Group.
Heineken Lanka operates a brewery in Mawathagama, Kurunegala.
“While we change to Heineken Lanka, our business activities will remain unchanged and uninterrupted. Our contact details of the Head Office in Colombo and the Brewery in Mawathagama, will remain unchanged. We like to thank our stakeholders for their continued support and we look forward to a successful partnership with them for many years to come.
With the change in our corporate identity, we hope to play a bigger and a better role in the beverage market in Sri Lanka and bring HEINEKEN innovations and expertise at a faster rate”, added Dusty Alahakoon.