Sri Lanka@100 (SL@100) recently hosted its first virtual networking event to strengthen cross-sell, partnership opportunities, and knowledge-sharing among mid-market companies, supported by the platform. The event was attended by 45 senior leaders from mid-market firms, the USAID Mission Director for Sri Lanka and Maldives Reed Aeschliman and representatives from NDB Bank.
The event featured presentations by mid-market companies from a diverse mix of sectors including the tea industry, organic agri-produce and insurance brokerage services. The session was highly interactive with participants actively exchanging ideas and information. It also featured a presentation on SME Banking solutions conducted by Indika Kudagamage, Assistant Vice President, Business Banking, SME, Micro Finance and Liabilities of NDB Bank.
NDB Bank recently partnered with the SL@100 Platform to focus on supporting the mid-market firms during the COVID-19 pandemic situation under the NDB Jayagamu Sri Lanka initiative.
Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), SL@100 is a private sector-led business development platform that was launched in 2020. This initiative works with high potential small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to optimize internal operations, enhance product portfolios, access new markets, and attract capital to help Sri Lanka become a high-income country within 100 years of independence. In addition to networking events such as this, SL@100 also conducts capacity-building events such as webinars, which are open to a broader audience of SMEs, entrepreneurs, and young leaders.
Commenting on the event, SL@100 Co-founder and Stax Managing Director Dr. Kumudu Gunasekera said “most of our platform companies are of a similar size and are in the growth stage. Companies can gain significant benefits from networking events such as these that provide an opportunity to identify potential value-adding partnerships and ability to utilize another company’s expertise.”.
USAID Mission Director for Sri Lanka and Maldives, Reed Aeschliman emphasized the vital role networking events create for mid-market firms in these extraordinary times. “The value created by growth and development of small and medium enterprises is paramount to Sri Lanka’s trajectory to an advanced economy status. With the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacting the economy and the inability to have in-person events, it is important that SL@100 facilitate virtual sharing of information that enables the platform’s mid-market firms to foster relationships and partnerships that drive business value for one another”.
USAID is the development agency of the United States Government responsible for foreign aid. USAID has provided development and humanitarian assistance worldwide for 60 years.
The U.S. Government has invested over Rs. 350 billion (US$2 billion) to benefit the people of Sri Lanka since 1956. To find out more about USAID’s work in Sri Lanka, please visit usaid.gov/sri-lanka.
More details could be obtained from, https://srilanka100.lk/