S-lon Lanka, recently obtained the SLS 1672: 2020 certification which is the Covid-19 Safety Management Systems Requirement for Organizations.
The certificate was officially handed over to Group Director S.C. Weerasekera at a ceremony held at the Sri Lanka Standards Institution (SLSI) by its Chairman Dr. Nushad Perera. The senior officers of SLSI and S-lon Lanka were present at this event.
Explaining the rationale for the Certification, SLSI Chairman commended S-lon for formalizing their commitment in controlling the spread of Covid–19 within its employees and the community by ensuring all health and safety guidelines and protocols. These measures adhered within both the manufacturing facility and the office. Addressing the gathering, Dr. Perera further mentioned that, “Assurance of safety is a relief to everybody associated with the brand and the country more broadly because S-lon is involved in a very sensitive industry: water supply. We hope their proactive approach will inspire other Organizations too to come forward and obtain this certification to stop the spread of COVID 19”
S-lon Lanka, Group Director S.C. Weerasekera said: “The certification process was highly convenient because S-lon was already adhering to all safety stipulations by virtue of being an organization that is deeply committed to ensure protection of all stakeholders including customers.”
The purpose of SLS1672: 2020 is to produce safe work practices in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 infection to workers, visitors, customers and other stakeholders.
Contents of the certification include: Scope, References, Definitions, Covid-19 Safety Management Systems, Leadership, Covid-19 Risk Identification Assessment and Control, Covid-19 Safety Control Plan & Objectives, Support, Operation, Performance Evaluation and Improvement.
S-Lon Lanka is a subsidiary of Capital Maharaja Group (CMG) founded in 1957.