Tuesday, May 12, 2020

People’s Bank launches Aswenna loan scheme

People’s Bank Chairman Sujeewa Rajapakse hands over an Aswenna loan to a customer. People’s Bank Acting Chief Executive Officer, General Manager, M. A. Boniface Silva and Deputy General Manager (Enterprise Banking) Krishani Narangoda were also present.

People’s Bank has launched the Aswenna loan scheme, a unique product that is in line with the Government’s development programme to create a self sufficient nation.

The first Aswenna loans were ceremoniously handed over to the loan recipients by People’s Bank Chairman Sujeewa Rajapakse and Acting Chief Executive Officer, General Manager M.A. Boniface Silva at a ceremony organised in Dunagaha in the Gampaha District.

The loans were distributed for the purchasing of paddy fields, purchasing of seeds and raw material for agriculture, purchasing of machinery, development of underlying infrastructure and animal husbandry.

Additionally, new customers who had opened accounts for agriculture, other crops and animal husbandry were officially handed over their Aswenna savings and investment account passbooks.

K. B. Rajapakse, Senior Deputy General Manager (Retail Banking), Renuka Jayasinghe, Deputy General Manager (Retail Banking), Krishani Narangoda, Deputy General Manager (Enterprise Banking), U.S. Gerty, Assistant General Manager (Development Finance), Wickrama Narayana, Assistant General Manager (Small & Medium Enterprises), A.U.A. Ansar - Assistant General Manager (Marketing) and Nalin Pathirage - Gampaha Regional Manager graced the occasion together with officials from the Government, Govijana Sewa and farmers associations.

From ancient times, Sri Lanka had an agro-based economy where small and medium-scale agriculture, fisheries, other crops as well as animal husbandry have thrived and made a significant contribution to the country’s economy. People’s Bank has introduced the Aswenna loan scheme to provide a timely boost to the financial capabilities and enhance the lifestyles of the individuals involved in these segments and in keeping with the Government’s development efforts.

Under this scheme, People’s Bank has facilitated financial services for the purchasing of paddy fields, purchasing of seeds and raw material for agriculture, purchasing of land and machinery, development of underlying infrastructure, purchasing of boats for fisheries as well as for animal husbandry. Further information can be obtained from the nearest People’s Bank manager or manageress.



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