Monday, May 4, 2020

Ceylon Chamber hosts Webinar on Online Shopping

As half the world is moved into lockdown, and consumer demand fallen drastically, businesses particularly the retailers had to make immediate steps to adapt to the sudden change in consumer behavior.

The Chamber Academy of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce together with Knowledge Partner KPMG and in partnership with the Sri Lanka Retailers Association (SLRA) and Facebook, has organized a webinar on the current topic of Online Shopping in Sri Lanka. \

The webinar will commence at 10:30 am on F May 8, 2020. The eminent panel will include Rifka Ziyard, Director- Tax and Regulatory, KPMG in Sri Lanka; Charitha Subasinghe – President, Retail Sector, John Keells Group; Fauzal Hameed - Managing Director, Hameedia Group; Lahiru Pathmalal - Co-founder/Director, and Anand Tilak – Partner, Emerging Markets, Facebook. \The session will be moderated by Kamaya Perera, Partner – Management Consulting – KPMG in Sri Lanka.

The panel will discuss on the retailers’ immediate measures taken to match consumer demand for essential items, impact on non-essential items, technological issues on e-commerce platforms, fulfillment and order management, immediate solutions for the current situation, online retail as a long-term solution to the post COVID-19 and much more.

To register participants should contact,, or


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