Tuesday, May 5, 2020

BILEETA SL receives global recognition for Health Logistic Software Solution

Project kick-off of the eLMIS implementation with the Ministry of Health Zimbabwe. The picture shows Sankka Weerasinghe (CTO) Sanji De Silva (CEO) and the Bileeta team with Dr. C T Basera (Global Fund Grants Coordinator) and his team members

The Global Fund who mobilizes and invests more than US$ 4 billion a year to support programs run by local experts in more than 100 countries, has recognized the “Entution Vesta” solution designed by Sri Lankan ERP software specialist BILEETA (Pvt) Ltd as the ‘Most Compliant Logistic Information Management System’ in the world. BILEETA competed with twenty leading international players in the eLMIS space for this recognition.

The Software solutions were reviewed by a Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) comprising experts from Gavi, the Global Fund, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNDP and USAID, that included service providers who were qualified to support visibility from central or national storage level to the health facility level.

With the current pandemic situation, the core focus of supply chains are to distribute commodities of medicines, vaccines, PPEs and contraceptives to the right communities, in the right quantities at the right time.

This means that supply chains today depend on timely and accurate data to make informed and effective decisions about routine operations like forecasting demand and resupplying health facilities.

Data is also a key requirement to make strategic decisions for supply chain design, processes and workforce more efficient and cost-effective.

As such, BILEETA’s “Intuition Vesta”, is a cloud based state of art, fully-fledged health commodity supply chain management solution, equipped with mobile apps that are designed to cater for all stake holders across all levels of the supply chain.

Speaking of this recognition, Sanji De Silva, The CEO of BILEEA .stated “with the Covid-19 Pandemic hitting the world unexpectedly Managers of supply chains in such a scenario depend on timely and accurate data to help them make informed and effective decisions about their routine operations like forecasting demand and resupplying health facilities, tracking the rate of consumption of health products and stock levels throughout the system, whilst at the same time having a solution that is both efficient and cost-effective. These were the main factors we took into consideration when we designed this solution and we are happy to have been recognized for our efforts.”

“ We hope to continue our quest in designing solutions that will further enhance in helping support the country’s healthcare supply chains and in assisting providers, distributors and suppliers to manage the ordering and receiving of medical supplies and to ensure the flow of vital medicines being delivered where they are most needed.’



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