Monday, November 15, 2021

NCE to conduct post budget forum

The National Chamber of Exporters of Sri Lanka is organizing the post budget forum, to be held on November 17, 2021 from 3 pm onward. This online forum has been organized to discuss trade related policy matters, with a team of expertise focusing more on exports. NCE conducts its customary budget forum for the benefit of exporters, followed by the presentation of the National Budget in the Parliament.

We expect solid policies to be introduced through budget proposals for 2022 which will be beneficial for the exporters, a senior official of the Chamber stated. The NCE submitted its budget proposals to relevant authorities and requested that export friendly policies to be introduced through the new budget that will create a conducive environment for exports to flourish.

The Chamber consults its Council Members who are the leaders of various export industries, in preparing the budget proposals. They also conducted a pre-budget forum last month, the Governor CBSL as the key note speaker, followed by a panel discussion.
