Thursday, September 9, 2021

UOC Tourism Alumni hosts AGM

Nimal Krishnaratne

The sixth Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Alumni Association of Tourism Economics and Hospitality Management (Alumni ATEHM) of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo was held recently (August 24, 2021) via ZOOM online platform.

The Founder and the Coordinator of the Tourism Study Programmes at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo and the Chairman of the Executive Council of AATEHM Professor Suranga Silva, the academics of the tourism study programmes, past office bearers/ committee members etc. were present.

The newly elected President of the Alumni, Major General Nimal Krishnaratne emphasized the fact that this time the Association will be especially dedicated towards Resilience Building and Sustainable Tourism Development of the industry due to the ongoing global pandemic of COVID 19.

Prof. Suranga Silva appreciated the major contribution done by the former General Secretary of the Association, Kasun Abenayake towards uplifting the position of the Alumni ATEHM/ ITLS & ITRC and the tourism study programmes.

“The Alumni ATEHM in the current year must create an industry-policy dialogue to provide the necessary knowledge and intellectual contribution to empower the industry stakeholders for designing the most effective policy measures and management strategies for inclusive and sustainable tourism development while ensuring a strong recovery and resilience building of Sri Lanka Tourism.”

With the intention of upgrading the tourism industry in Sri Lanka through an academic partnership, the Alumni ATHEM of University of Colombo was formed in 2015 under the guidance of Prof. Suranga Silva. Association serves as the major professional forum to exchange valuable insights for the sustainability of the industry while providing a certain academic and intellectual recognition towards Sri Lanka Tourism.

The Association’s contribution in other Tourism Organisations, Community Organizations, NGO’s and Government leads to developing regional tourism with international standards, taking regional tourism identity to the pinnacle of Sri Lanka Tourism.

After the general proceedings of the AGM, the new Executive Council and the Executive Committee of Alumni ATEHM for the year 2021/2022 were elected respectively.

Executive Committee

President: Major General (Retd.) Nimal Krishnaratne (Council member) Vice Presidents: (1) Chinthana Duminduhewa (Council member) (2) Gitanjali Chakravarthy General Secretary: Madushan Jayathilake (Council member), Asst. Secretary: (1) Anjali Caldera (2) Charith De Alwis Treasurer: Anushka Perera Assistant Treasurer: (1) Kasun Meegahawatta (2) Kasun Vithanage Social Secretary: (1) Dilan De Alwis (2) Suranga Tennakoon Editors: (1) Priyantha Wedamulla (2) Navodi Karunarathna Media Coordinator: Brig. Lalith Jayasinghe

Executive Council members: Chairperson ITLS & ITRC Professor D.A.C Suranga Silva, Senior Industry Advisor of ITLS & ITRC Upali Rathnayaka, Senior Advisors: - Special Projects of ITLS & ITRC: T.B.B Sumith, Research and Publication of ITLS & ITRC/Co-Chair of ITRC: Prof. Mubarak Kaldeen, Finance of ITLS/ Conference Secretary ITRC Sampath Siriwardana, Vice Presidents: Alumni Affairs and Management of ITLS & ITRC: Maj Gen (Rted) Nimal Krishnaratne, International Relations, Education, Investment & Innovations of ITLS & ITRC: Kasun Abeynayaka, Administration - ITLS & ITRC Chinthana Duminduhewa and Secretary General – ITLS & ITRC Madushan Jayathilake.



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