First Capital Holdings PLC launches a three-year CSR programme by partnering with Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka to build homes for families in need. Through this partnership, First Capital will pledge LKR 15 million to implement the ‘First Capital Housing Project’ in the Galle District; providing deserving low-income families with safe and stable homes.
Moving beyond the typical CSR initiative, the First Capital Housing Project will focus on constructing homes that are not only durable and safe but also environmentally sustainable. Promoting eco-friendly and climate-appropriate construction practices, Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka will construct the homes of the First Capital Housing Project using Compressed Stabilized Engineered Blocks (CSEB).
Experts claim earth-based construction materials such as CSEB, surpass conventional construction methods as they are more energy-efficient due its low carbon footprint and use of locally sourced materials, providing an alternative to Mining River sand.
These earth-based blocks also can absorb atmospheric moisture allowing the walls to be much cooler and more thermally efficient when compared with conventional brick and mortar homes.
Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka has currently constructed nearly 1,000 homes using earth-based construction materials for resettled families in the North and East of Sri Lanka, funded by the European Union.
First Capital Holdings PLC Director / CEO Dilshan Wirasekara said, “As a group, we have taken the route of community building as an extension to our long-standing legacy and reputation of contributing to nation-building initiatives. The three-year collaboration enables us to witness far-reaching impacts of this initiative considering the long-term benefits of supporting low-income families with safe housing.”
Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka National Director, Yu Hwa Li said, “We are grateful to First Capital Holdings for its commitment to building homes and transforming communities through the First Capital Housing Project. Habitat Sri Lanka has constructed affordable homes for more than 110,000 individuals across the country. These efforts have been possible through the generous donations we have received from institutional and corporate donors like First Capital.”
The First Capital Housing Project was launched through an MOU signing ceremony held virtually between First Capital Holdings PLC and Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka.