Thursday, May 6, 2021

Amãna Bank’s 12th AGM held digitally

Amãna Bank successfully held its 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on a virtual platform in adherence to the government regulations and health-care best practices in the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, the Bank was one of the first corporates to adapt to virtual AGMs as it held its 11th AGM as well as an Extraordinary General Meeting on a virtual platform.

The 12th AGM which was held on 23 April 2021 with the full quorum being present, was broadcasted live from the Bank’s Corporate Office Board Room via a virtual application with the presence of the Bank’s Chairman Asgi Akbarally, Directors Pradeep Dilshan Rajeeva Hettiaratchi, Aaron Russel-Davison, Mohamed Adamaly, Tishan Subasinghe, CEO Mohamed Azmeer and members of the Bank’s Management Committee while the Bank’s foreign-based Directors Rajiv Nandlal Dvivedi, Mohamed Ataur Rahman Chowdury, Syed Muhammed Asim Raza, Khairul Muzamel Perera and Paul Mercer connected to the meeting remotely.

Shareholders who were connected through the virtual platform were encouraged to actively participate at the meeting. The meeting also witnessed the participation of other key stakeholders such as the Bank’s External Auditors Ernst & Young (EY).

Commenting on the Bank’s virtual AGM proceedings, Chairman Asgi Akbarally said “With virtual meetings being part of the new normal, we are pleased to have once again successfully hosted our AGM on a virtual platform, especially in a period where health and safety continue to be a priority.

I would like to thank the shareholders who connected with us for their active participation to ensure a successful meeting.”

Amãna Bank PLC is a stand-alone institution licensed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange with Jeddah based IsDB Group being the principal shareholder having a 29.97% shareholding of the Bank. The IsDB Group is a ‘AAA’ rated multilateral development financial institution with a membership of 57 countries.

Amãna Bank does not have any subsidiaries, associates or affiliated institutions, other than the ‘OrphanCare’ Trust.


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