Sunday, May 23, 2021

Over 40 Sadaharitha Plantations staff felicitated by slim

Sadaharitha Group team

A significant number of over 40 of Sadaharitha Plantations’ staff were recently accredited with professional marketing qualifications at the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) graduation ceremony held at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH).

The ceremony witnessed the participation of the Minister of Education Hon. (Prof.) G. L. Peiris as Chief Guest and several officials from SLIM participating in this glamorous event. Executive Director and CEO of Sadaharitha Group of Companies Dr Pradeep Edward was also recognised as a Fellow Life Member of SLIM at the event.

As of today Sadaharitha Plantationshas over 100 employees who have been facilitated through this programme. The Training and Development department of the company identifies such programmes as necessary professional skills for the team to develop their career and themselves.

Dr Pradeep Edward, the Executive Director and the CEO of the Sadaharitha Group of companies was also honoured with the accreditation as a ‘Fellow Life Member’ of SLIM.

Sathis Nawarathna – Chairman of Sadaharitha Group commented: “Sadaharitha has been able to establish a career ladder which allows the employees to move up the corporate structure rapidly. Our structure provides our staff with the opportunity to grow from Junior Executive positions to Senior Management levels. I am extremely elated that the company has been able to assist the staff in obtaining professional qualifications and thereby help them achieve their professional goals.”

Commenting on the same, Dr Pradeep Edward stated: “As a company, we have been committed to providing necessary training and development for our teams to progress in their careers and their life. Our memorandum of understanding with SLIM, in particular, has enabled us to offer our staff the most recognised and esteemed Sales and Marketing qualifications from SLIM over the past few years.”

The Director of Sales and Marketing at Sadaharitha Group Jayampathy Mirando commented: “I believe that this support extended to the staff will help them build successful careers while also being a great source of strength and success to the company. We have always been committed to upskilling our teams with professional qualifications in this regard.”

Niroshan Manawadu – General Manager for Training and Development at Sadaharitha Group elucidated: “Thus far, we have supported and guided over 200 staff members to pursue the Professional Certificate in Marketing course offered by SLIM to light up their careers. The growth of our staff is the growth of the company. It is great to see our team’s progress in their careers through professional qualifications.”
