Brandix and ICC Smart Eco Solutions have teamed up to recycle all organic waste at their factory at Rambukkana to Organic fertilizer using a quick composter, an initiative to enhance their LEAD certification of the company.
A Quick Composting machine of 100kgs per day capacity supplied by ICC Smart eco was installed to process all organic waste generated at the factory to valuable organic fertilizer in just 24 hours, totally eliminating the need to store and dispose of rotting garbage.
Instead the waste is put to good use by converting it to a valuable soil amendment that is used to fertilize their garden. The need of the hour in the country is for us to encourage the agriculture sector of the country to use organic fertiliser as much as possible instead of synthetic fertilisers which causes various health issues as well as drains the country of valuable foreign exchange by importing synthetic harmful fertilizer.
Brandix as a leading foreign exchange earner for the country is looking outside its core business to help the country to solve a major problem in disposing organic waste which is 60% of solid waste generated in the country, in doing so enriching mother earth with valuable nutrients which would otherwise be wasted, also saving valuable foreign exchange in not having to import synthetic fertilizer.
ICC Smart Eco the newest division of the reputed general contractor International Construction Consortium (Pvt) Ltd having served the country for 40 years is currently marketing a range of Quick Composting machines that include a table top domestic composter the ‘FoodCycler’ a table top indoor model that could process 2kgs per cycle of 5 hours consuming only 1 unit of electricity per cycle. The commercial units could process from 10kgs per day to tons per day using machines built by Sri Lankans in collaboration with a Korean company.
These machines are ideal for processing waste at source minimising waste going into landfill and having to wait for days for rotting garbage to be collected. In addition to converting organic waste to a valuable soil amendment a volume reduction of 80-90% takes place at processing and the residue is a dry powder with a pleasant smell that could be used as organic fertilizer, poultry, or fish feed. The resultant product has a commercial value in it being used as a component of compost