Sunday, May 17, 2020

Low Growns met with less demand

Select best and best BOP1s sold at lower rates, whilst poorer varieties held firm. OP1s were barely steady on last week’s levels. Well-made and best OP / OPAs sold at lower rates, whilst poorer varieties held firm. Bolder Pekoe’s were substantially lower, whilst well-made types held firm. Pekoe1’s lost out in value. In the Tippy Small leaf catalogues select best FBOP1s held firm; others sold at dearer rates. Well-made stylish FBOP / FBOPF1s sold at lower rates; below best varieties were firm to dearer. FBOPFs appreciated in value. Liquoring BOPs sold at lower rates, whilst others sold at dearer rates. BOPFs appreciated in value. In the Premium Flowery catalogues long leaf and small leaf tippy teas appreciated in value.

Fair general demand prevailed at the Ex-Estate sale with the BOPFs sold at dearer rates. Best and below best Western BOPs were lower Rs. 20 to Rs. 30 and bottom losing a little more. BOPFs gained Rs. 10 to Rs. 20 on last.

Nuwara Eliiya BOPs were difficult of sale but the BOPFs gained Rs. 20 to Rs. 30. Udapussellawa BOPs were a lower market and the BOPFs particularly the cleaner sorts gained Rs. 40 to Rs. 60 and more. Uva BOPs were lower Rs. 20 to Rs. 30 and BOPFs were Rs. 10 to Rs. 20 dearer. Better Medium BOPs gained upto Rs. 40, whilst BOPFs were firm. CTC BP1s were irregular lower upto Rs. 30, whilst PF1s were about firm.


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