Wednesday, February 12, 2020

EDB continues marketing support for boat building sector

Sri Lankan participants at the Dusseldorf Boat show

Boat Building is a focused sector identified in the National Export Strategy (NES) 2018-2020 as it has the potential to contribute markedly to foreign exchange earnings of the country.

Sri Lanka has an advantage to become the hub for boat manufacturing in the Asia Region, due to its strategic location and availability of skills. The increasing demand for boats worldwide regional and local for fishing, industrial, commercial and leisure purposes, has opened up huge opportunities and new markets for Sri Lanka.

In order to maximize the opportunity provided, it is vital that boat manufacturers are provided the opportunity to showcase their capabilities to the international market. Keeping in line with this, EDB commenced international promotion for the sector by organizing participation at the Genoa Boat Show – Italy held from September 19 to 24, 2019.

This show is one of Europe’s premiere yacht shows held annually. A leading Sri Lankan Boat Manufacturer was able to obtain orders for the boats displayed at the show to the value of Euro 6900 (Ex – Factory), while other companies are negotiating with business inquiries they received.

Given the importance of continuing Sri Lanka’s presence internationally, EDB with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Consulate General in Frankfurt, Germany, organized participation of 03 Boat Building companies at the boot Dusseldorf Boat Show in Germany, held from January 18 to 26, 2020, which is one of Europe’s premiere international indoor fairs held annually.

The 51st edition of the boot Dusseldorf Boat Show 2020, was organized by Messes Dusseldorf GmbH. This year’s show displayed a large selection of products including yachts and motor boats by more than 1,900 exhibitors from 71 countries. Almost 250,000 visitors attended the show.

The participants were able to establish positive contacts with potential buyers, experience the latest developments, new trends in boat building and the yachting industry. Boot Dusseldorf offered an unique and comprehensive overview of trends and new developments of the Boat Building industry and provided a perfect platform to present the boats and models of boat builders.

A Sri Lankan company was able to connect with a Dutch manufacturing partner who had shown interest to start production in Sri Lanka as a collaboration. All companies would negotiate further with the buyers contacted at the show. B2B meetings were arranged with targeted buyers during the Boat Show with the assistance of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Sri Lanka (AHK).

EDB would continue facilitating the industry, to create more avenues in the international market in order to enhance the visibility of the industry globally, whilst establishing an enabling environment locally to facilitate the manufacturers. The already commenced work on establishing a breakwater in Kapparathota to facilitate launching and establishing a regulatory framework for the entire value chain of boat building industry (excluding fishing boats), is being continued. EDB would also address issues faced by the sector with relevant government stakeholders.


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