Monday, June 10, 2019

MBSL reactivates listings on CSE

 The shares of Mahaweli Coconut Plantations Limited (MCPL) commenced trading on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) from June 3.

MCPL is the first company to be listed on the CSE after a lapse of 15 months. MCPL was listed on the CSE through an Introduction which was managed by Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka and Finance PLC (MBSL). Subsequent to the listing the share price of MCPL was increased by 11% on the first day of trading on the CSE. The shares of MCPL traded at a price of Rs 45 on June 7.

MCPL is the first Coconut Plantation Company to be listed on the CSE. MCPL Managing Director, Felix Fernandopulle speaking at the ceremony stated that the company has had a consistent growth trajectory since inception, where Mahaweli Coconut Plantations, even in the recent past, has outperformed the national average of the number of coconuts produced per hectare.

Karnika Jayatilake, DGM – Legal, Company Secretary and Head of Corporate Advisory and Capital Markets Division, Lalangi Goonewardena, Chief Manager, Dishan Vitharanage, Acting Manager and S Karthigan, Deputy Manager of MBSL participated at the Listing ceremony held at the CSE on June 3.


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