Sunday, June 16, 2019

Emjay-Penguin carries out tree planting campaign

Employees of Emjay at the tree campaign

Apparel manufacturer Emjay-Penguin gifted 4,000 plants and dry ration packs to all their employees, before they went home to their respective villages for the holidays, making their l new year celebrations, a memorable event.

The event was organized through the company’s ‘Athwela’ CSR programme, to encourage their employees to focus more on reducing their ecological footprint, creating a greener environment for the future generation.

Emjay-Penguin conducts various projects under their ‘Athwela’ CSR programme to aid the livelihood of the citizens who live in close proximity to the factories spread across Kurunegala, Kandy and Payagala.

The said CSR projects include medical camps, blood donation camps, book donations for school children, tree planting campaigns, donations to schools & hospitals, career guidance programmes and environment cleaning projects. Above all, ‘Athwela’ focuses mainly on improving the water and sanitary facilities of school children. Emjay-Penguin is honoured that they are able to uplift the livelihoods of the society even in a small way, through their ‘Athwela’ CSR programmes.
