The Ceylon Chamber will be organizing an awareness session on “Exporting to the United States under the Generalized System of Preferences: New Trends and Opportunities”. The U.S. is Sri Lanka’s largest single export destination, accounting for 26% of total exports in 2018. At present approximately 3500 products from Sri Lanka are eligible to access the US market on a duty free basis under the US GSP program.
The session will be led by Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Trade Policy and Economic Edward Gresser. The Office of Trade Policy and Economicsis responsible for the implementation of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, which is the largest and oldest U.S. trade preference program. The outreach session will cover both the products that are qualified under U.S GSP as well as the trends to be aware of in terms of the program. The target audience for the session is current and potential exporters to the U.S. Gresser’s presentation will be followed by an interactive Question and Answer session. The awareness session will take place on June 21, 2019 at the Board Room of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce starting at 9 a.m.