Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Future of Smartphone market in Sri Lanka

As the world integrates the ‘New Normal’ in the ecosystem, Sri Lanka’s digital framework is pacing with fresh energy and has bold plans for the future.

The ‘New Normal’ has given rise to several ‘behavioral changes’ in the Sri Lankan consumer and the need to be digitally connected is one of them. While we are in an era of ‘physical restrictions’, virtual platforms are sufficing the need for connection and communication. Thisaccentuation in the consumption of internet in the nation is here to stay.

The ‘new normal’ era has shed light onhow ‘digital connectivity and inclusivity’ should be omnipresent and how digital ecosystems are not a luxury but a necessity. In the age of rapid technological advancements, smartphones have played a pivotal role in furthering and strengtheningdigital interdependency.

The Sri Lankan citizens have witnessed an acceleratedneed for a digitalized society, and smartphones have played a decisive role in bringing normalcy to the people. Smartphones have helped people in harnessing the power of the internet and have sufficed for workplaces, educational institutions, entertainment zones and information hubs. Smartphones have helped people in achieving digital connectivity as well as aided in keeping the economy and workflow going.

The rise of technological innovations has sparked the age of digital transformation in Sri Lanka, and smartphones are enabling the netizens to explore the endless possibilities of the online world. The nation witnessed a whopping 245% increase in E- commerce base1as the basket went from $11 to $38 which was primarily driven by e-payment, e-banking, online medical consultation and e-sports, the latest segment on e-platforms.

Smartphones are also galvanizing day-to-day activities like online classes, online shopping, and e-payments with 43% people accepting to have tried newer things online.

The smartphone industry is looking at a promisingavenue. In terms of digital development, Sri Lanka witnessed a speedy process where now the usage of mobile phones has become a common feature among the people.

Smartphone manufacturers are eyeing this opportunity of impending demand for smartphones. Deeper insights into the market reveal that 48%2of the people would be interested in buying products that are manufactured locally. Thus, the vision of ‘Make in Sri Lanka’ and ‘Digital Sri Lanka’ can go hand in hand in reforming the smartphone industry in the coming years.

As a youth-centric brand, vivo is tapping into this wave of digital transformation and is manufacturing smartphones that cater to all the digital needs of the users. It is also exploring to tap the 5G wave that is bound to take the nation by the storm.

We are living in an erawherethe nationhas a splendid chance to drive the wave of a digital revolution in its is aiming to aid in developing the digital fiber of the nation and take the country from ‘New Normal’ to ‘Beyond the new normal’ through its innovative smartphone technology.

