It is imperative that the ongoing projects such as the NES (National Export Strategy) and the National Trade Facilitation Initiatives (NTFI)aimed at establishing a Trade Information Portal and the National Single window which falls in line with the WTO Trade facilitation agreement, are completed and implemented according to the proposed time-frame, if we are to gain the advantage and be in front of competition as an international trading partner, said Chrisso de Mel, Chairman, Sri Lanka Shippers Council.
He made these comments at the 48th AGM Post Business session of the Sri Lanka Shippers Council in Colombo last week.
He said the shipping community stays committed to ensure that these initiatives will see the light of day.
“The Shippers Council has always fully engaged and played a pivotal role on the ongoing initiatives of the Sri Lankan government. Throughout the past year we, the private sector have invested our valuable time in discussions and planning with the Public offices such as the EDB, Sri Lanka Customs, Department of commerce and many other agencies such as Donor agencies, technical committees and their project offices to ensure the work in progress is completed in a timely manner.”
He added, “We may have the best ideas and strategies to grow our exports and be successful in International trade but unless we usher in discipline, trust and respect to human life and nature, we will not have a future. My task is to bring you, to realization, and shape your understanding, that it is time that we learn from the past and make the necessary changes.”
De Mel was also concerned about the fast diminishing ethics and values in our society, which is a serious issue for businesses as well. “People have not only lost the value and purpose of life but also the right spirit in which business should be carried out.
“We have almost come to terms that we have to remain helpless whilst all the injustice takes place around us. We are almost deaf to what we hear, be it corruption, abuse, violence or hate. We consider all of them to be, a part and parcel of life, and that you cannot beat them, but you could only join them or do likewise.”
“We also must be aware that there is something called fake news and therefore not rush to believe in everything that our ears and eyes can pick up, that is penetrated into our minds and has influenced our thinking. Time and time again we have thrashed politicians at will, standing at these podiums or other forums such as this, but nothing has changed. Because it is almost a trend these days where business leaders are helplessly running to politicians like headless chicken looking for favour and unfair advantage.”
“But they get frustrated and complain when others do the same. If a politician agrees to tango with them, they consider him good, but if not they label him as corrupt. Through our individual shortsightedness, we have traded our strength to stand together as one and hold the administrators accountable but rather we have opted to remain divided and weak in separate silos,” he added.